Wholesale deception: Never-ending lies are mandatory

The #PCGagOrder is a #license2lie, always, repeatedly, over and over. Not just a license, but a mandate to lie (by omission), by covering up “minority” crime. Deception is a virtue, if it serves to spread the leftist narrative. The “progressive” goals of “social justice” and “racial justice” justify all means.  Leftist made their lies unfalsifiable! …

Wholesale deception: Never-ending lies are mandatory Read More »

Expose Leftists as Evil: Abuse, Rape of Migrants ‘Is on Joe Biden’

Mass homicides, mass rapes, are caused by Leftist policies. Yet, leftists invert reality, unopposed, and are allowed to keep the moral high ground.  Leftists attack allegedly evil “racists”, “xenophobes”, and “white supremacists”. No, they do not label us as good persons with “racist” ideas. Terrible results of PC policies are never branded as evil and …

Expose Leftists as Evil: Abuse, Rape of Migrants ‘Is on Joe Biden’ Read More »

Media brainwashing quantified! False beliefs, about police killings etc.

Population brainwashing – regarding number of unarmed Blacks killed by police in 2019- was measured and quantified. Thousands of willfully distorted newspaper articles**, Hollywood movies with white villains, black saviors, get the desired long term PC brainwashing result. Shortlink: wp.me/pa6V1b-9t PC-brainwashing index: % factually false beliefs held by a person has some technical details on …

Media brainwashing quantified! False beliefs, about police killings etc. Read More »

Gain followers with free speech; later control the captivated users. Social media’s brilliant deception as march through institutions

The orchestrated effort to funnel all internet users into a small number of well controlled large enterprises has been obvious once large enough section of the population was completely locked in on them, that’s when the control of the narrative truly kicked in. Old habits die hard, so after years of keeping the public on …

Gain followers with free speech; later control the captivated users. Social media’s brilliant deception as march through institutions Read More »

Demand Equal Rights!! Civil Rights for All!! Abolish “minority” quota privilege!!

  Whites voluntarily forfeited constitutional rights!! equal treatment under the law (independent of the color of the skin) freedom of association freedom of speech to criticize minorities, the democratic ideal of the fully informed voter Enforcing sharia law The left’s ethnomasochistic war on history has created a vacuum that Sharia is happy to fill. To …

Demand Equal Rights!! Civil Rights for All!! Abolish “minority” quota privilege!! Read More »

Covid-19 lockdown side effects are suppressed! Former German secret service chief assails cover-up

Cluelessness about suicides, bankruptcies, economic disasters, and co-morbidities related to Covid-19 lockdowns is chastised by Germany’s former secret service chief Hans Georg Massen. 1) why we don’t differentiate between deaths BY Coronavirus and death WITH Coronavirus (and other causes of death) Why is Covid-19 so dangerous if there were no more deaths in 2020 than …

Covid-19 lockdown side effects are suppressed! Former German secret service chief assails cover-up Read More »

“Restoring confidence” in election process with uninvestigated evidence of fraud

lkIt is absolutely clear that evidence of voting fraud was repressed and evidence verification was systematically suppressed. IT is outrageous that there is no outrage. The Senator speaks that this inquiry is necessary to restore confidence into the election process. But rather, it cannot give confidence, it clearly shows that no affidavits, no leads were …

“Restoring confidence” in election process with uninvestigated evidence of fraud Read More »

“George Floyd’s KILLING”!? Never let an incorrect statement stand unopposed!

George Floyd died of heart failure, according to the official autopsy. Calling George Floyd’s death a police killing, or murder violates the “presumption of innocence” of the police officers involved. The principle of presumption of innocence is enshrined in both media ethics codes and our legal system. In our PC world of unequal rights, white …

“George Floyd’s KILLING”!? Never let an incorrect statement stand unopposed! Read More »

Progressive “Zorro”: Females are much better justice fighters, NOT

Movie producers lose money, producing movies that people don’t want to see. Producers sacrifice profits to brainwash the “narrative” into people’s brains. Where is the OUTRAGE? Is there any research that the spectators want to watch female fighters and black heroes?   NBC Preps ‘Zorro’ With Female Lead Who Fights for Social Justice   […] …

Progressive “Zorro”: Females are much better justice fighters, NOT Read More »

OUTRAGE! We must learn from the Left, to be OUTRAGED about every single omission, lie, discrimination, injustice

Our outrage is surprisingly small when we learn about the 14 year long term rape-abuse of thousands of underage girls in Rotherham. When we notice that almost all perpetrators are Pakistani Muslim men, we must not be outraged. These are protected classes, and we “mutt race” “deplorables” humbly accept our unequal, inferior status as unprotected …

OUTRAGE! We must learn from the Left, to be OUTRAGED about every single omission, lie, discrimination, injustice Read More »
