Narrative compliant politically correct (PC), but scientifically false, beliefs about racial and gender “injustice” are the cumulative result of a half century of obfuscation and indoctrination. Lies and omissions abount, from Kindergarten to college, by media, politicians, by racial bias training, and PC gag orders. Quantitative measures of PC-world-view-distortion and PC-brainwashing-index are, of course, extremely contentious: mere thinking of racist facts is punishable by getting “watsoned“, expelled from jobs, banking services, paypal, and Airbnb housing. At the end of this article we collect issues where people have false beliefs.
Our obfuscation-index1 measures obvious cover up in one single news article.
Of course, both brainwashing and obfuscation indices are mere sketches and need precise elaboration in order to be valid scientific measures.
The Brainwashing Index [2], measuring a generalized false world view is more contentious. The false world view is accepted, even mandated, as true and correct. The cumulative effect of years of obfuscation and media gag orders2 has taken its toll.
The Brainwashing Index purports to measure what percentage of LONG TERM MSM consumers harbor factually false beliefs about
- “minority” crime like Black mass shootings3, Muslim child grooming gangs4,
- Black IQ averaging in the 70’s and 80’s 5
- the extent, cost, dangers of affirmative action inequality 6
- women’s athletic prowess reliably 10% below men’s performance7
- Criminality of Blacks much higher than of Whites and North East Asians8
- Media brainwashing quantified! False beliefs about police killings etc. We can derive brainwashing questionnaires from this our list of topics where false beliefs abound.
Standard paper and pencil questionairs can probe such understanding
On a scale from –5 (totally disagree) to +5 (totally agree)9
Whites killing Blacks happens more often than Blacks killing whites (in USA)
Disagree -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 Agree
White men raping Black women is xx times more frequent than Black men raping white women (according to US crime statistics)
1000 more times as often
10 times more often
about equal percentages
10 times less often
1000 times less often
Average world IQ is
and mental age
black crime, regarding misleading #LyingMedia successfully implant factually incorrect narrative into the reader’s conscious and unconscious mind and cause the unstoppable leftward trend in voting, politics, institutions?
What percentage of media consumers is aware of brazenly omitted and distorted #RacistFacts
What percentage of readers is aware of brazenly omitted and distorted #RacistFacts
Reading one article with brazenly omitted and distorted #RacistFacts, what percen
To what extent does the media consumer correctly understand #RacistFacts?
Do misleading #LyingMedia successfully implant factually incorrect narrative into the reader’s conscious and unconscious mind and cause the unstoppable leftward trend in voting, politics, institutions?
10 This can be#1: we test the impact of ONE article on the readers’ perception about #RacistFacts. Examples: 11
- #2: Narrative%: quantitatively test the result of long term exposure to media on false beliefs about #RacistFacts.
- #1: Mislead%: Quantitative score of media deception impact of one article
From a leftist point of view, these measures of media deception can be seen as measure of success in successful media indoctrination.
Brainwashing measurement examples
What Teens Think About White Privilege, Discrimination and How Their Generation Will Treat People When They Grow Up Washington Post
Seventy-eight percent of non-white teenagers believe in white privilege.
Article shows the falsehood of publicly tweeted comments about the the trial. This is anecdotal evidence. The percentages of false beliefs can easily be checked with social science questionnaires in psychology undergraduate classes.
- carried a weapon across state lines (he did not and the state line just a few miles away from both home and Kenosha),
- had no business to be in Kenosha (he had relatives and jobs there),
- hunted down his “victims” aka “aggressors” (he ran away),
- killed or shot Black people (not a single one),
- was not lawfully carrying his weapon (long barrel weapons were legal);
- that the convicted felons that unsuccessfully tried to shoot Rittenhouse with short barrel weapons, were never were indicted for their illegal carry and attempted murder. Yes these were were not permitted, as felons, to carry concealed short barrel weapons
- Those who strongly believe in any of these factually false statements are examples of brainwashing due to MSM lies and social media censorship of true statements.
- Brainwashing was supported by Social Media Companies who Suppressed Claims of Kyle Rittenhouse’s Innocence[Amren]
Obama neglected to mention that more than a year into the COVID mania Gallup asked 35,000 Americans, “What are the chances someone with COVID must be hospitalized?” 41% of Democrats said more than 50%; another 28% of Democrats said 20 to 50%.
The correct answer was 1-5%.
What this means is that, thanks to the information spread by those Obama allies “maintaining the highest standards of journalistic integrity,” 69% of Democrats massively overestimated the risks of COVID. This disinformation ruined millions of lives, especially among the young. [Obama goes full Orwell in scary Stanford speech]
Media mislead about #RacistFacts or #HateFacts. Readers get mislead as to believe in the politically correct narrative.
Do media make readers inform readers of factual truth12? Or do media fill the reader’s brain with misleading narrative? The scientific method13 can decisively answer this.
“Media transmit correct factual information to the readers’14 brain?”
This null hypothesis can be tested using the scientific method for social sciences.
Alternatively, we can quantitatively measure readers’ comprehension:
- % of readers misunderstood
- % of readers correct understanding
Whenever media do not explicitly blatantly lie
- they claim to just be “accidentally” omitting “irrelevant” facts
- Sometimes media admit to omitting racist facts in obedience of anti-racist media gag orders 15
Accuracy of media information:
media consumption imparts what %_correct or %_incorrect understanding of #RacistFacts
- Subjects read a MSM text16
- Find out subjects’ understanding of what has happened.
- Test their understanding with multiple choice test, using drawings, videos, or text choices17
- We predict misunderstandings in the range of 20% to 95% 19.
- So the null-hypothesis “subjects are correctly informed and do NOT have misunderstandings about the true facts about what really happened” can be rejected with 99.999999999 % certainty
- Rather we can show effect sizes of deception in the range of 20 to 99%
- Carefully test how do subjects fill in the gaps, the omissions?
- Can they imagine that there was violent resistance to arrest,
- violence against a cop,
- a dangerous felony high speed chase,
- omitted sections of the video,
- prior commission of a felony as cause for arrest,
- prior violent crime convictions
- Proper test design must be followed, as outlined in social science courses on scientific method and test design.
- Of course, it is better if we can find some hermits or people from down-under isolated from all related news,
- It is hard to find subjects that have no knowledge of the Rodney King beating, George Floyd death, or Ahmoud Arbery shooting.
- BUT actually, only those who heard some #RacistFacts and were exposed to #TrueSpeech must be eliminated.
- Those who were only exposed to MSM propaganda will just re-read what they read before
We measure
- Subjects read a media article. Questionnaires can test if the readers understand
- After exposure to a media article or video, we can test if the subjects’ understanding coincides with factual truth
- % readers with % factually wrong comprehension: Quantitative test of media misinformation.
Other tentative titles for this post
% erroneous belief in false narrative
% success in misleading
% brainwashing success
Brainwashing index
Narrative success
Narrative collapse
- How misleading are media? Quantitative testing of % media deception. #1 Short term deception
- How misleading are media? Quantitative measure of % media deception. #1 Short term deception
- How misleading are media? Quantitative measure of % media deception. (#1 Short term deception)
- Quantitative analysis of readers’ % misunderstanding of racist facts to prove deceptive media reporting
- Quantitative analysis of readers’ % misunderstanding to prove deceptive media reporting
- Quantitative analysis of readers’ % misunderstanding induced by deceptive media reporting
- Percent readers’ misunderstanding of facts: Quantitative measure of media deception/accuracy
- Deceptive media reporting: quantitative proof is easy with scientific method
- Quantitative analysis of misleading media reporting: easily done
- Quantitative analysis of misleading media reporting: how to test media accuracy
Media accuracy:
- % misunderstanding. Quantitative test of media deception.
- % misunderstanding. Quantitative test of media misinformation.
- % readers misinformed
“Hands up, don’t shoot” is
Mass shootings, defined as 4 or more people hit by gun shots
GDI: Global disinformation index
- Obfuscation-index: % of counter-narrative facts hidden from media readers:
Does a newscast transmit the desired, politically correct, PC narrative? Does it effectively implant a false impression in the reader’s mind? Does it successfully cover-up …
It is not permissible to tell the whole truth. Journalists, police, teachers, every citizen, all are REQUIRED TO LIE: because the WHOLE TRUTH “stirs up prejudices1 against minorities”. For over half a century, we have eagerly embraced this gag order. “Black kills White” must not be uttered.The AP Stylebook even requires Media to remove true facts about ethnicity of a criminal, as soon as the suspect gets apprehended.
- NYT’s rare honesty: 3/4 of mass shooters are Black
- See [Rotherham] [Telford][Million victims] [Cologne New Year] [Sweden][Finland]
- vs. white 100 average IQ vs East Asian ~105 average IQScientific truths must not be said in our politically correct world. Like DNA structure co-discoverer James D. Watson in 2007 by Anti-Racists, Harvard President Larry Summers was destroyed by feminists in 2005 [Further Discussion about the permanence of the racial IQ gap in Takimag]James Watson tells the inconvenient truth, faces the consequences [short version]: “Nature should be fighting political correctness on behalf of science, not joining a vigilante gang of self-appointed moral guardians who are crushing forthright scientific discourse under the banner of ‘sensitivity’. “Rushton, J. P., & Jensen, A. R. (2008). James Watson’s most inconvenient truth: Race realism and the moralistic fallacy. Medical Hypotheses, 71, 629-640.Rushton, J. P., & Jensen, A. R. THIRTY YEARS OF RESEARCH ON RACE , Psychology, Public Policy, and Law 2005, Vol. 11, No. 2, 235–294
- Affirmative Action & Quotas can’t be criticized. Thus “Diversity is unfalsifiable…Affirmative Action Kills
Universities Should Be Punished for CORRECTLY Giving Black …
Affirmative action – reverse racism: Today’s privliged treatment for “minorities” to make up for alleged injustices in the past with the intent to close performance “gaps”Dangerous police: affirmative action kills: Because of their skin color, or other minority status, people with lesser intelligence, lesser self control or with criminal records are admitted who would not qualify by normal admission standards. That causes trouble.Subprime crisis’ cause: mandatory affirmative housing loans Racism could have saved both the world economy from subprime meltdown, and saved Blacks from bankruptcy. Anti-Racist affirmative housing rules forced banks to give mortgage loans to unqualified minorities. Blacks did not need to fulfill the same tried-and-proven loan prerequisites as whites. - Sports: sex differences: Women’s world record speeds are consistently under 90% of men’s record speed
- Black crime statistics very high, wildly out of proportion.
Black crime is wildly out of proportion. US government statistics show that Blacks commit 7-8 times more homicides than Whites. East Asians (Japanese, Korean, …Black crime much worse than statisticsSnitches get stitches, witness intimidation, Blacks don’t ot report crime (shot spotter), Bronx Juries, ,Hispanics criminals `counted as “white” increase white crime …A US Black is 7 times as likely to kill a White, than a White to kill a …
13 Apr 2012 … Black on White crime is routinely white washed, the race hidden behind the Euphemism “Man beat up by group of Youth”. So readers get a …Homicide Trends in the United States, 1980-2008
3 Nov 2011 … for 1989 to 2008 reflect updated homicide estimates from Crime … Black victims were over-represented in homicides involving drugs, with …
- -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
- -5 Strongly disagree
- -3 Disagree
- 0 Neither agree nor disagree
- +3 Agree
- + 5 Strongly agree
Votes rigged brazenly, by omitting facts that can be EXPLOITED by the
The voter needs to be kept in the dark in order to “avoid prejudice”. If told the truth , the voters might vote for xenophobia and segregation. Sorely lacking is an …
‘Why is this black guy running?’: After Ahmaud Arbery’s killing, African Americans reconsider fitness routines
Omitted details in media reports cause grave misunderstandings in the reader. It seems the omissions are intentional, with bias according to anti-racist narrative and #PCGagOrder. …Read More »
- Highly likely stories or factual truth:
We don’t want to discuss and nitpick much about absolute truth beyond reasonable doubt. In most hoaxes, narrative collapses, and misleading stories the alternative “right wing” “racist” version is highly probably and totally covered up by MSM.
Blatant media dishonesty caused the LA Riots with its 63 deaths, 2383 injured. The first 13 seconds were quietly omitted from the viral video, in …Read More »
Mug Shots Foster Racial Bias And Will No Longer Be Released, San Francisco Police Chief Says
Implicit bias is caused by #RacistFacts about “minority” crime. #FactsAreRacist, #RacistFacts must be hidden from the voting citizen to avoid “prejudice”. At last, police obey …Read More »
NYT’s rare honesty: 3/4 of mass shooters are Black
Rarely do MSM admit to #RacistFacts. The NYT’s and other Ethics Style Books * explicitly require that media, police, teachers*, and social media users cover …Read More »
Deception normalized, violence justified. The Racism exception to civilized and honest behavior #2
To avoid “racist” “prejudice”, all means necessary must be employed: omissions, blatant lies, Antifa/BLM violence, deep-state treason, law breaking judicial Kritarchs. “Racist” race realist ideas, …Read More »
- Scientific Method in Social Sciences:
Science seeks to find theories that describe, explain and predict real world phenomena. Logic, mathematics, statistics, rigorous research methods are the foundations of science. - Anti-Racism is Anti-Science:
Scientists honestly seek to find parsimonious, simple true theories to correctly explain natural phenomena. Logical consistency and generally agreed to mathematical test criteria are required.
- Scientific Method in Social Sciences:
- or radio listeners’ or TV spectators’
#TrueSpeech is Forbidden, True Facts are Taboo. DeCriminalize #TrueSpeech
Free speech is not our primary problem. True Speech repression, is our society’s worst problem. When reporting crimes, it is not permissible to [truthfully] refer …Read More »
The Racism Exception to Civilized and Honest Behavior #1: Media
Human progress of the era of enlightenment has been eroded and reversed. True Speech is Forbidden, True Facts are Taboo. Racism Exception Many rules, customs, …Read More »
Media Speech Codes #1: USA, Canada, Germany
August 11, 1946: The [New York] Times introduced an editorial change announcing they will no longer refer to the race of persons suspected of a …Read More »
Media Speech Codes #2: Europe, Asia, Africa
Dozens of countries have followed the New York Times’ suit and enacted regulations that shun and prohibit true speech in news media: Spain, Russia, Serbia, …Read More »
Racist Computers Deceived by Politically Correct Data Preprocessing
/IBM open source ‘anti-bias’ AI tool to combat racist robot fear factor/ Developers using Artificial Intelligence (AI) ‘engines’ to automate any degree of decision making …Read More »
‘Why is this black guy running?’: After Ahmaud Arbery’s killing, African Americans reconsider fitness routines
Omitted details in media reports cause grave misunderstandings in the reader. It seems the omissions are intentional, with bias according to anti-racist narrative and #PCGagOrder.
“They Lynched Ahmaud Arbery: MSM omissions, distractions, lies”
Lies start with word#2 in the title: no definition of ” lynching” fits the facts of the case. Ahmaud Arbery was just jogging, met McMichael,
- Find out subjects’ understanding of what has happened.
- See item 4
- Even US presidential candidates earn Washington Post’s 5 (?) Pinocchio award for citing Black lives matter lies about “Hands up don’t shoot”18
Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s worst lie – Washington Times
Aug 23, 2019 – Pinocchio Warren Illustration by Greg Groesch/The Washington Times … Warren tweeted: “5 years ago Michael Brown was murdered by a white … The false “hands up, don’t shoot” narrative triggered waves of riots, looting, …
‘Hands Up, Don’t Shoot’ One of Biggest Lies of 2015 …
Dec 14, 2015 – Washington Post fact checker (yes, sometimes “fact”-checker) Glenn Kessler has released his list of “the biggest Pinocchios of 2015” — and …
Washington Post Introduces ‘Bottomless Pinocchio’ Factcheck …
The Washington Post Fact Checker has introduced a new dishonesty rating … strode through the protests and squared up to federal agents and did a series of … It might sound silly at first, but what makes this 5 quart pot special is this: it has a … Don’t forget to check out our coupon site to find deals from Macy’s, Walmart, …
‘Hands Up, Don’t Shoot’ Movement Built On False Rumors …
Mar 17, 2015 – NPR’s Melissa Block interviews Washington Post opinion writer Jonathan Capehart about his column, ” ‘Hands Up, Don’t Shoot‘ Was Built On A …
- Subjects read a MSM text16