Conspire to Tell the Truth, Defy Gag Orders

Police, judges, school teachers, parents, refugee aides, statisticians, physicians, tell the truth!

Tell the blunt and total truth about “minority” and refugee crime and misbehavior.

Fight to overcome the institutionalized Code of Silence that keeps voters ignorant.

Set a date for a universal Truth Revolt: Defy gag orders, tell truth. The PC leadership can shut down single individual dissidents 1 but they cannot silence thousands and Millions who rise up to speak up the same day.

Stop the complicity with the official lies.

Dare to speak the whole truth, even if you will be called racist, xenophobe, Islamophobe. The truth will change the world. The truth will set us free!

  • Police:
    • tell the truth about Black criminality in the USA, about Muslim rapes in Sweden, Norway, and Rotherham 2
    • tell the truth about how superiors and politicians order you to whitewash and omit “minority” crime details -similarly to Press code & AP style books.
    • Tell about groups of marauding or violent “youths” or non-descript “men” are usually blacks (US) or Muslims (Europe).
  • Teachers parents, students: tell the truth about mobbing, bullying, fighting, crimes perpetrated by “minority” students. Tell how these crimes are covered up and not punished with equal rigor than misbehavior by “majority” whites.

  • Refugee camp workers: tell the truth about violence, misbehavior, sexual assaults in refugee housing. Dare to violate the gag orders that are part of your job package
  •  Journalists, remember the old professional ethics, about saying the truth, unbiased reporting, uncovering government abuse. Fight the gag orders you get from your superiors, from government, and from Press code & AP style books.
  • Physicians and health professionals: inform the public about new old tropical diseases, tuberculosis, AIDS, about violent patients in pharmacies and clinics, refugees who need immediate attention in order to avoid violent riots. Tell about the need for police escorts for ambulances into no go zones, about non-compliance with medication, refusal of Muslims to be treated by a professional of the opposite sex,

Disclaimer: Don’t believe me, believe science data: We don’t demand anything, we don’t state anything. We just demand the end of gag rules, we demand people be allowed to tell the whole truth about “minority” and refugee crime and misbehavior.


Continue reading at
Truth Revolt: Sept. 11: Defy gag orders, tell truth


  1. James Watson Racist:
    Nobel James Watson, Times Magazine’s Top 20 most influential Americans of all times, top 100 Person of all times, was socially and scientifically destroyed for a well meaning comment about race differences.
  2. Racism reduces rape
    Minority” rapists terrorize Rotherham, Telford, Swedish schools, and prisons. Rape prevention and prosecution are hampered by fear of being called racist.

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