Black history myths, Black history month hoaxes

Black history month is NOT an exercise in honest reporting of history. Rather, it has a purpose: to avoid “prejudice” regarding black inventions and cultural feats, Black performance must be proven, irrespective of factual scientific historical truth value.  Thus hoaxes1 abound and can be shown very easily. It should be allowed to honestly discuss black achievement or under-achievement, without being Watsoned. We wish the scientific factual truth about black crime and black intelligence be researched and then the best policies be found. These might be stricter criminal laws, stricter school discipline, and education fitted for the IQ of the student, not forcing low IQ students, be they white or Black, onto college. But here we disccuss freedom of speech and #TrueSpeech and believe that proper measures be taken based on true research. TheTruthIsRacist!

Black Invention Myths – Tightrope

Air BrakeAir ConditionerAirshipAutomatic CouplerAutomatic LubricatorAutomatic TransmissionBicycle FrameBlood BankBlood PlasmaCellular PhoneClock or WatchClothes DryerDustpanEgg BeaterElectric TrolleyElevatorFastest ComputerFilament for Light BulbFire EscapeFire ExtinguisherFood AdditivesFountain PenGas MaskGeorge W. CarverGolf TeeHairbrushHalogen LampHandstampHeart SurgeryHeating FurnaceHorseshoeIce CreamIroning BoardLaser Cataract SurgeryLawn MowerLawn SprinklerLubricatorMailboxMopPaper PunchPeanut ButterPencil SharpenerPerm MachinePostmark/Cancel Mach.Printing PressPropeller for ShipRailway Telegraph“Real McCoy”RefrigeratorRefrigerated TruckRotary EngineScrew SocketSmallpox VaccineSmokestackSteam BoilerStreet SweeperSuperchargerThird railToiletToilet (Railcar)Traffic SignalTricycleTurn SignalsTypewriterWashington DC city plan

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Traffic Signal

Invented by Garrett A. Morgan in 1923? Nope.

The first known traffic signal appeared in London in 1868 near the Houses of Parliament. Designed by JP Knight, it featured two semaphore arms and two gas lamps. The earliest electric traffic lights include Lester Wire’s two-color version set up in Salt Lake City circa 1912, James Hoge’s system (US patent #1,251,666) installed in Cleveland by the American Traffic Signal Company in 1914, and William Potts’ 4-way red-yellow-green lights introduced in Detroit beginning in 1920. New York City traffic towers began flashing three-color signals also in 1920.

Garrett Morgan’s cross-shaped, crank-operated semaphore was not among the first half-hundred patented traffic signals, nor was it “automatic” as is sometimes claimed, nor did it play any part in the evolution of the modern traffic light.

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Gas Mask

Garrett Morgan in 1914? Nope.

The invention of the gas mask predates Morgan’s breathing device by several decades. Early versions were constructed by the Scottish chemist John Stenhouse in 1854 and the physicist John Tyndall in the 1870s, among many other inventors prior to World War I.

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Peanut Butter

George Washington Carver (who began his peanut research in 1903)? Nope.

Peanuts, which are native to the New World tropics, were mashed into paste by Aztecs hundreds of years ago. Evidence of modern peanut butter comes from US patent #306727 issued to Marcellus Gilmore Edson of Montreal, Quebec in 1884, for a process of milling roasted peanuts between heated surfaces until the peanuts reached “a fluid or semi-fluid state.” As the product cooled, it set into what Edson described as “a consistency like that of butter, lard, or ointment.” In 1890, George A. Bayle Jr., owner of a food business in St. Louis, manufactured peanut butter and sold it out of barrels. J.H. Kellogg, of cereal fame, secured US patent #580787 in 1897 for his “Process of Preparing Nutmeal,” which produced a “pasty adhesive substance” that Kellogg called “nut-butter.”

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Every year during Black History Month, we get to hear about all of the colored geniuses in our midst. We all get this crap shoved in our faces in school, on T.V., etc…..We hear that if it weren’t for black people inventing traffic lights, we’d all be crashing at intersections

Hoax Alert: ‘Black History Month Massacre’ Did NOT Happen …


National Vanguard, August 1982

Every high school student has had the story drummed into him: Dr. Charles Drew, the brilliant Negro medical researcher who discovered how to preserve human blood plasma so that it could be used for transfusions, is responsible for saving countless lives of wounded GIs during the Second World War. Five years after the war, however, White racism was responsible for Drew’s own death.

The poignant story was first told by William Loren Katz in his high school textbook, Eyewitness: the Negro in American History (1967). On page 449 of the book Katz writes: “On April 1, 1950, Dr. Drew was injured in an auto accident near Burlington, North Carolina. Al- though he was bleeding profusely, he was turned away from the nearest ‘white’ hospital. By the time he was taken to another hospital, the scientist had bled to death.”

Every major element in this story is untrue. First, Drew was hardly a “Negro.” He was of mixed race, at least three-quarters White, as his photograph clearly reveals.

Second, his actual contribution to the technology of the modern blood bank was minimal. His work for the Red Cross Blood Bank was more logistic and administrative than scientific, and it involved nothing in the way of a scientific breakthrough or a major technical innovation. […]

Thus, the African civilizations of ancient Egypt and Carthage have become the achievements of Black culture-creators in the lesson materials distributed in the schools during Black History Month.

The hoax reached a new level of effrontery and mendacity recently with the publication of a series of “educational” Black history posters by Anheuser-Busch, Inc. Titled “Great Kings of Africa,” the large, colorful posters, each featuring an African ruler of the past and a few paragraphs of biographical text, have been distributed in thousands of schools all over America. Each ruler is portrayed as a Black, with fully Negroid features and coloring. Among them are Hannibal, the great Carthaginian general, and Cleopatra, the queen of Egypt who won the love of Julius Caesar and Mark Antony. The text on Cleopatra’s poster informs the reader that she is “often erroneously portrayed as Caucasian.”

Yes, indeed. One such portrayal of Cleopatra (who, of course, was not Egyptian at all, but Macedonian, and a direct descendant of Alexander the Great’s general and successor, Ptolemy) is her contemporary portrait statue, now in the British Museum.

Black History hoaxes

MTV recites famous black invention myth hoaxes as factual

MTV video libels multitude of non-black inventors.

Posted in Black History Myths, on Feb 09, 2016


Did a black man invent the air conditioner?

Frederick McKinley Jones was successful HVAC engineer, but did not invent the air conditioner.

Posted in Black History Myths, on Feb 07, 2015


Were Cleopatra and King Tut Examples of “Black Egyptians”

Barak Obama’s Church teaches that Cleopatra and King Tut were black

Posted in Archeaology, Black History Myths, History, on Feb 06, 2015


Tuskegee Airmen invincible fighter pilots?

What the hard data says about the Tuskegee Airmen

Posted in Black History Myths, Racial Issues, on Feb 05, 2015


Did a black man invent the dust pan?

Lloyd P. Ray took out the 165th American patent for a dustpan. That hardly makes him the inventor.

Posted in Black History Myths, on Feb 04, 2015


Afrocentrism and the Tango

Did a tiny black minority with no background in couples dancing create the Tango?

Posted in Black History Myths, on Feb 03, 2015


Would Haiti be a great nation if the “African Spartacus” had not been exiled?

Haiti’s “African Spartacus” was actually a pro-French, Eurocentric, slave owner.

Posted in Black History Myths, Haiti, on Feb 02, 2015


Was the smallpox inoculation invented by a black man?

The smallpox inoculation is one of the newest Black History Month hoaxes.

Posted in Black History Myths, Left Wing, on Feb 01, 2015


Black Power activists demand boycott of new Exodus movie

Black Power activists denounce Exodus movie and its director Sir Ridley Scott as “racist”

Posted in Black History Myths, Black Nationalism, on Nov 30, 2014


Black history month myth of the day. Ice Cream.

Ice Cream has become a replacement for the Peanut Butter myth.

Posted in Black History Myths, on Feb 18, 2014


Black History Month Myth of the Day: King Tut

Black Power groups claim that King Tut facial reconstruction and DNA study are a racist hoax.

Posted in Black History Myths, Racial Issues, on Feb 17, 2014


Black history myth of the day. Cleopatra.

Black militants, like Obama’s preacher, claim statues of Cleopatra are a hoax by the white man

Posted in Black History Myths, Black Nationalism, on Feb 14, 2014


Even the Super Soaker “Black Invention” claim is only half true.

McDonalds, and others erase white co-inventor of the SuperSoaker squirt gun.

Posted in Black History Myths, Black Role Models, on Feb 13, 2014


Black History Month Myth – Peanut Butter & Potato Chips

Peanut Butter is the original Black Invention Hoax.

Posted in Black History Myths, on Feb 11, 2014


Black History Month Myth of the Day. The Cell Phone.

Dr. Henry T. Sampson (pictured at right) and Dr. George H. Miley, are two engineering professors teaching in Illinois. Though […]

Posted in Black History Myths, Public Schools, on Feb 08, 2014


WND: Father of US slavery was black

For the past year, the CofCC website has received a lot of viral publicity for talking about Anthony Johnson. This […]

Posted in Black History Myths, History, Racial Issues, on Feb 24, 2013


Black History Month Myth of the Day: The Traffic Light

This is a common one, now being taught in schools and even hustled on local news shows during February. Myth: […]

Posted in Black History Myths, on Feb 17, 2013


Black History Month Myth of the Day: African slave trade.

SURPRISE! Slavery still thrives in Africa (and Haiti as well.) In this Frontline Segment Northern Sudanese Muslims enslave […]

Posted in Black History Myths, on Feb 14, 2013


Black History Month Myth of the Day: Zimbabwe

History of Rhodesia/Zimbabwe: From Radio Netherlands: “Little enthusiasm for Zimbabwe Independence Day.”

Posted in Africa, Black History Myths, Black Nationalism, Black rule, Racial Issues, on Feb 13, 2013


Black History Myth of the Day: Battle of Fort Pillow

by Kyle Rogers The alleged “Massacre at Fort Pillow” was nothing more than election propaganda to ensure that Abraham Lincoln […]

Saying No to Black History Month

Ten Best Lies of Black History 

We believe this to be wrong dishonest propaganda, but for honesty’s sake, judge yourself

1. Whites were the first people on earth.
2. Blacks in slavery were only cotton pickers and maids.
3. Lincoln freed the slaves.
4. Blacks ate each other in Africa.
5. Blacks were cursed black by God.
6. The United States government has helped Blacks succeed.
7. Jews built the pyramids.
8. Blacks sold other Blacks into slavery.
9. There was no slavery in the North.
10. Columbus discovered America.


  1. Hoaxes: Anti-racist lies:

    We demonstrate hundreds of hoaxes, of anti-racist outrage about  alleged racist crimes that turn out to be untrue.. 

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