Comment sections often add very relevant missing information. MSM often abhor comment sections and censor them as #Hatefacts.
We promote FULL DISCLOSURE, TOTAL HONESTY, that taboo politically incorrect topics can be mentioned freely. AND, nothing should be taken for granted, rather should be analyzed, doubted, and potentially proven wrong. If the comments below are proven right, then the entire article is completely dishonest brainwashing in false narrative and false ideology
But only “extreme right wing” “racist” web sites ever dare to mention #Hatefacts.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Flags Permanently Fly at Government House [Amren]
Mr Maher — the only Indigenous person ever elected to South Australian parliament — said flying the flags at Government House was “180 years or so overdue”.
“The pride non-indigenous Australians take in having the oldest living culture the world’s ever seen in this country I think has changed a lot during my lifetime,” he said.
“There is still a long way to go. These sorts of symbols are overdue but they are very, very welcome.”
As a long-term project, Ms Adamson said she would be working with the Aboriginal community to carry out “cultural mapping” of the Government House site.
“So we can better tell, or at least tell in a more comprehensive and historically accurate way the history of this site going back much, much further than we’ve often done it,” she said.
The comments at Amren are the informative part.
- a) Aborigines had no flags, no flag poles, no government buildings other than mud huts: “There was no Government House then. So the flag should be flown over a mud hut.”
#Hatefact! - b) The Aborigine flag was nothing original to Aborigine culture. It was created by a partially aboriginal guy in 1970ies for protest purposes
- c) How could the Irish and British immigrants displace non-white culture in Australia? The aborigine’s were so sparsely dispersed there were groups that during the eons of time before the white man arrived, had never encountered one another. Their culture was limited to a few ideas that whites have never infringed upon; “dream time” and the meaning they put into their music. No one has suppressed those things
- d) Anything disparaging of aborigines is totally taboo. Aborigines could not create anything resembling white culture. Aborigines have one of the lowest IQ’s in the world1
But only “extreme right wing” “racist” web sites ever dare to mention these facts.
Meet Australian Aborigines–They Make… – The Unz
ReviewAustralia, they insist, belongs only to its roughly 670,000
Aborigines, who make up 3% of its … An IQ of below 70, in
Western countries, has you classified as mentally retarded.
1. IQ of Australian Aborigines›australian-aborigines/
2. Brain Size of Australian Aborigines and Europeans. 1. IQ of Australian Aborigines. The median value is 62. This corresponds to the mental age of an 11 year old European.
Australian aboriginal IQ test – [Guide] – Personality Tests…›iqtest/australian…iq…
Australian aboriginal IQ test IQ is an abbreviation for Intelligence Quotient. It is a score that shows how well someone understands and interprets the world around them.
Aboriginals are burdens on Society : unpopularopinion›…unpopularopinion/comments…aboriginals…
Australia has a really big issue with Aboriginals. I’m very interested to hear others views on this without getting REEEE-ed at. Firstly, they have …
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