The orchestrated effort to funnel all internet users into a small number of well controlled large enterprises has been obvious
once large enough section of the population was completely locked in on them, that’s when the control of the narrative truly kicked in. Old habits die hard, so after years of keeping the public on these sites, the people have been less likely to go elsewhere so now they can also control what information is available to the large segment of the internet users.
It was a crafty plan, which had to start with hardly any censorship,
Excerpt of an Interview with Mark Marek, Owner of BestGore.com1
Originally, social media were totally in favor of free speech2. That has ended. Long march through institutions is dishonest deception!
Ignorance vs. dishonesty: hard to discern
A vast majority of leftists were unaware that the truth is racist. That racism and prejudice is correct, mostly. That free speech uncovers the truth! That the media, politicians, and police actively cover up “minority” Black, Muslim, immigrant violence! Free speech led to Trump and Brexit, to uncovering of the Cologne New Year grope and rape festival and more.
Leftists are true believers in their own lies. Most are unaware that #FactsAreRacist and that actual #TrueSpeech is Forbidden, True Facts are Taboo.
We believe that Hate speech laws3 were created after the fact, after the unexpected uncovering of taboo truths and subsequent Brexit and Trump election.
Maybe someone on the top really knowingly has long term plans. But, we believe that the average Leftists were caught by surprise that #ComputersAreRacist! Racist Computers Must be Deceived by Politically Correct Data Preprocessing.
Any organization not explicitly right-wing sooner or later becomes …
More exerpt from the interview follows
Do you have any predictions on the subjects of censorship or publishing in the context of future society?
Twitter became one of the most popular websites quite literally out of the blue. That’s not a coincidence. The orchestrated effort to funnel all internet users into a small number of well controlled large enterprises has been obvious to everyone willing to live with their eyes open for years.
One day, all mainstream media talking heads began injecting their reports with lines prompting the people to like them on Facebook, follow them on Twitter and subscribe to their YouTube channel… They’ve brainwashed the public with it until much of the population has invested so much time building up their presence on these controlled sites, that it would be near impossible for them to quit. It also engaged the populace enough to leave them with no time to reasonably explore viable alternatives. That was the important step in controlling the narrative.
All these large enterprises started with little censorship, so people had no reason to remain suspicious, but once large enough section of the population was completely locked in on them, that’s when the control of the narrative truly kicked in. Old habits die hard, so after years of keeping the public on these sites, the people have been less likely to go elsewhere so now they can also control what information is available to the large segment of the internet users.
It was a crafty plan, which had to start with hardly any censorship, but that’s expected since the orchestrators are the same people who’ve orchestrated every major war in the past several centuries, tricking people into killing one another over made up stuff, and planned every major event that impacted the people’s lives over the years.
So needless to say we are dealing with skilled tricksters with lots of experience brainwashing the public to carry out unspeakable acts and even come out of them all as victims. As such, the predictions on the future of society may not seem the brightest, but I think we may be near, or even past the point of the aware outnumbering the sheeple. The aware are the silent majority, and the level of awareness they hold is unlike any in history. Once this silent majority speaks up, the bleat of the useful idiots will drown in the mighty roar of the free man.
The enemy, in my opinion, is well aware of it and it scares the holy anus out of him. That may be why he’s turning the heat up more than usual despite knowing full well the boiling frog effect is the only reason why his plans had been successful thus far. The moment the free man gets to feel too much heat, he will rise up and trigger the ripple effect with the fellow free men and we could witness revolution the world has not yet experienced.
Gore and Cruelty as Teachable Moments– TRIGGER WARNING …
Sensational Violence, Human Dignity, Young Persons: True Speech not permissible…
Restriction of TRUE SPEECH.
- “The Press will refrain from inappropriately sensational portrayal of violence, brutality and suffering” [German PresseKodex #11];
- “preservation of human dignity” [German PresseKodex #1];
- “the Press must exercise especial restraint reporting crimes committed by young persons” [German PresseKodex #13.3];
Hate speech is speech that violates PesseKodex12.1’s restrictions. Hate speech laws enforce #TrueSpeech restrictions upon everyone, under penalty of the law.
This is why “Kill the [South African White] Boer” or “kill all white men”[22,23,24,25] is not hate speech, while “My daughter was raped by a Pakistani Muslim” is hate speech. In dishonest PC fashion, “Hate Speech” has nothing to do with what the normal person understands as hate.
Technology opened a loop hole in the iron clad media gag order that blocks #TrueSpeech