pattern recognition

UK government probes algorithm bias in crime, recruitment, and finance

Race differences in crime are covered up . Recruitment requires biased affirmative action. Finance suffers from affirmative loans. Insincerity is at the root. Computers caught PC with its pants down. UK government probes algorithm bias in crime, recruitment, and finance The UK government is launching an inquiry into whether algorithms used in areas such as …

UK government probes algorithm bias in crime, recruitment, and finance Read More »

Walmart locks up black hair products because white people steal black hair products

Walmart does this to spite Blacks. Only racists would think Blacks steal more often than whites. And malls and drug stores in black neighborhoods get closed. This has nothing to do with the fact that the stores get looted and burned down by Black “protesters” Maybe #TheTruthIsRacist. But our in PC society all Required to …

Walmart locks up black hair products because white people steal black hair products Read More »
