Lawsuits by victims can hold accountable those, whose cover-up and inaction enables rampant minority crime. Criminal school bullying, child rape1, prison rape2, looting, 3, mayhem and homicide persist unopposed because #TrueSpeech about and effective opposition to minority crime is repressed . So far only a few law suits were successful to recover damages for death caused culpable police or school neglect.
Government has a duty to care for safety of students and prisoners. Government mandates busing white children into high crime schools, to then leave the victims unprotected. Gag orders make sure that no one will ever know, because talking about minority crime is forbidden. Pointing out and opposing minority crime makes law suits, lawyers, and victims “racist”.
Parents of Slain Student Lauren McCluskey Sue University of Utah for $56 Million
From Oct. 10 until her death, McCluskey made multiple calls to the U. police department. She even called Salt Lake police in hopes of quicker action. But university police never conducted a full background check on Rowland, who had served many years in the Utah State Prison, and at least one call made by McCluskey to the officer assigned to her case went to voicemail because the officer was not on duty. {snip}
In one instance, she said, U. housing did nothing when her daughter’s friends reported that Rowland talked about bringing a gun to campus, and then “he brought that gun to campus and killed her with it.”
Naïve ignorance about race kills: Naïve uninformed women go hiking in Morocco, sleep over in German refugee housing, date blacks or Muslims without awareness of crime statistics, send white children to black schools.
In addition to demanding truthful reporting and truthful warnings about dangers, we should analyze all issues of unequal rights for possibility of legal action4
We need to scour all cases of misinformation for potential legal action, whenever this leads to criminal victimization. Colin Flaherty mentions Routine Activity Theory (RAT)5
Whatever happened, the city of Chicago agreed earlier this month to pay Christina Eilman $22.5 million in damages after her ordeal left her physically and mentally damaged.
The jury never heard about Eilman’s life as a stripper. Or from an expert witness about how the bizarre and sexual and violent behavior she displayed—first at O’Hare Airport, then while in jail—fit a pattern of methamphetamine abuse common among those in the exotic dancer trade.
All the jury heard about—and most news accounts followed along—is how police abandoned a then 21-year-old troubled coed who studied religion at UCLA in the housing projects of Chicago. Alone. Befuddled.
Which even Harvard sociology professor Robert Sampson said was a bad idea because of RAT: Routine Activities Theory. The judge explained RAT by saying Eilman “was a white female in a predominantly black, poor neighborhood (and) she had a much higher risk of predatory victimization.”
Judge Frank Easterbrook went on: “She was lost, unable to appreciate her danger and dressed in a manner to attract attention. She is white and well-off while the local population is predominantly black and not affluent, causing her to stand out as a person unfamiliar with the environment and, thus, a potential target for crime.” [read all at ‘White and Black Don’t Mix’ – American Renaissance]
The city said RAT was thinly disguised racial profiling and had no business at trial. But at the trial, RAT and race were everywhere—no matter how hard the city worked to keep it out. {snip}
Yes, it is racial profiling. Profiling is necessary and right!!6
Easterbrook said the situation was so transparently dangerous that Chicago police “might as well have released her into the lions’ den at the Brookfield Zoo.”
Such a phrase would get the judge imprisoned under European hate speech laws.
Maybe we need to promote law suits by Blacks, who have more rights than Whites. It is hard to establish causality in increased homicide rates7. But black home owners can prove their loss of resale value because of burned down supermarkets, a tragedy that could have easily been prevented by forceful police action 8, instead of police actively standing down and majors actively condoning violence && link??
Home buyers must not be warned of criminal black neighborhoods, with tremendous financial losses. GPS must not add a “Ghetto tracker” to warn not to enter certain no-go zones in town at night.
Chinese don’t know that “inner city neighborhood” is a politically correct misnomer for “dangerous criminal black neighborhood”. Warning people of danger with Ghetto tracker apps, and “the talk” are racist. In spite of #PCLies, Locals who grew up in the neighborhood know, intuitively, which areas to avoid at night. Naïve Chinese do not know, get killed, parents sue USC [Source]
- Euphemisms guide for parents of foreign students, by Steve Sailer ..
- USC Student XInran Ji’s Murder Doesn’t Fit the Left’s Dreamer …
Naiveté, ignorance of racial truths, causes immense damage. Naïve uninformed people deal with dangerous neighborhoods, and dangerous populations with the naïve idea that all people are equal. They truly believe that nobody is more dangerous than their safe, usually white, neighborhood. They go hiking in Morocco, sleep over in German refugee housing, date blacks or Muslims without awareness of crime statistics, send white children to black schools
- “Racism” reduces rape
Rape prevention and prosecution are hampered by fear of being called racist. Rotherham, Telford, Swedish schools, and prisons..
- “Racism” reduces rape
Segregation saves lives:
Inter-racial school bullying, prison rape, attacks and killings of Christians in German refugee camps and Jews in European cities are avoidable with segregation.
- We Used to Shoot Looters #1: Deterring crime, mayhem, arson, and war can be an act of love . Deterring violence with credible threats of government violence means protection of innocent victims, and even of potential rioters.
- We Used to Shoot Looters #2:
Now we give them “space.” The riots, looting, and arson in Baltimore are yet another case of what began as a demonstration against alleged police misconduct but turned into violence. It was not political protest. People who want better treatment from the police don’t set fire to retirement homes, try to break into ATM machines, or burn down drug stores.
<b>Unequal treatment, unequal rights :</b>Black caucus, La Raza, Black Lives Matter, “no beer for racists”, affirmative action, cultural appropriation, Antifa violence, and dozens of more examples of unequal rights.
Don’t Make the Black Kids Angry | Frontpage Mag
May 19, 2015 … Colin Flaherty’s new book exposes black victimization and how we … from Harvard introduced the court to “Routine Activities Theory” (RAT), the …
‘White and Black Don’t Mix’ – American Renaissance
Jan 21, 2013 … Colin Flaherty, WND, January 19, 2013 … The judge explained RAT by saying Eilman “was a white female in a predominantly black, poor …
FBI and police profiler is a respected professions[23,24] .
- Prejudice is correct, mostly:
Research on Stereotype accuracy shows that prejudice is frequently correct, and that humans evolved to be good intuitive statisticians - Scientific Honesty & integrity compromised by PC Antiracist dogma
Truthfulness in science should be an iron law, not a vague aspiration. One’s personal faith must not interfere with the pursuit of truth; - School Bullying Terror
Interracial school bullying is covered up, not prevented. Vulnerable children of all races are forced into schools without protection against violence and rape by “historically underprivileged” youth.
Profiling Is Wrong No Matter HOW Right It Is—As Ex Drug Dealer And Thug Jay-Z Explains
Blacks who have a criminal history still are upset when rightfully profiled and suspected of being a criminal. - Prejudice is correct, mostly:
Black Lives Matter to Racists
Anti-Racist policies increases Black death toll, because they are based on false PC quack science. Tried and proven police tactics like “stop and frisk” are outlawed as racist. -
- We Used to Shoot Looters #1: Deterring crime, mayhem, arson, and war can be an act of
love . Deterring violence with credible threats of government violence means protection of innocent victims, and even of potential rioters.
- We Used to Shoot Looters #2:
Now we give them “space.” The riots, looting, and arson in Baltimore are yet another case of what began as a demonstration against alleged police misconduct but turned into violence. It was not political protest. People who want better treatment from the police don’t set fire to retirement homes, try to break into ATM machines, or burn down drug stores.
- We Used to Shoot Looters #1: Deterring crime, mayhem, arson, and war can be an act of